What is Pudendal Neuralgia?

Before I start, let me introduce you to the pudendal nerve. The pudendal nerve originates at the sacrum levels S2-4, it then travels through the Alcocks canal and up along the pubic bone. It has three branches which supply the rectum, clitoris and the perineum. The nerve is made up of sensory, motor and autonomic fibers. When this nerve is irritated, which can occur anywhere along its entire length, Pudendal Neuralgia (PN) is the result.

What are the symptoms of Pudendal Neuralgia?

The Pudendal nerve is a complex nerve with numerous functions and branches, when it is compromised the symptoms can vary greatly depending on the branch or fibers affected.

  • Increased pain when sitting

  • Sharp and/or altered sensation in the area between the genitals and anus. 

  • Can be described as a prickling, itching swollen sensation in the vulva, rectum or perineum. 

  • Clitoral pain/sensitivity

  • The feeling of recurrent bladder infections

How did I get Pudendal Neuralgia?

The nerve compression/irritation can occur due to of a number of reasons, including;

  • Vaginal birth and stretching of the nerve.

  • Excessive sitting where the inner parts of the sit bones are compressed, like when riding a bike. 

  • Mechanical force/trauma to the area.

  • Hypertonic pelvic floor muscles that compress the nerve. 

What is the treatment for Pudendal Neuralgia?

We recommend seeing Kathryn Johns, our osteopath who has extensive training in pelvic health and chronic pain conditions. Her approach is individualized to your specific needs and presentation and may include,

  • Internal pelvic floor myofascial release work to help decompress the pudendal nerve. 

  • Whole body treatment focusing on the fascial and biomechanical regions impacting the pelvis

  • Breathing education

  • Specific movement practices to help release tension in the pelvis and spine

  • Mindfulness and meditation

  • Lifestyle advice

Will I recover from Pudendal Neuralgia?

Yes. With the right treatment and management you can expect to make a full recovery. Our bodies are amazing and have enormous capacity to heal, allowing you to get back to living your full potential.