How do I know if I have a Problem with my pelvic floor?

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At Eastern Osteopathy we are passionate about supporting those with pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD). Many people associate PFD with a weak pelvic floor and urinary incontinence. However, this is not always the case as PFD looks different for every person. For some people it’s the inconspicuous leg crossing when you sneeze; maybe you head to the toilet before leaving the house or work, just in case, or perhaps you find it difficult to enjoy intercourse with your partner due to pain and discomfort. 

Pelvic floor health is not the standard conversation had over a chai latte with friends. You don’t see many women (or men) putting their hands up and acknowledging they peed a bit during their circuit class. Or, that they were the one who kept letting out a smell during their yoga class. 

The topic of pelvic floor health tends to be taboo, embarrassing or both for many.

We believe the conversation regarding pelvic floor health needs to be open, sensitive and on the table.

Pelvic Floor Dysfuction QUESTIONNAIRE

The first step is determining whether or not you have an issue with your pelvic floor. Not sure if you have a pelvic floor dysfunction? Easy, take our quick questionnaire!

  1. Do you sometimes leak when you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift something heavy?

  2. Do you sometimes cross your legs when you cough, sneeze or laugh?

  3. Do you sometimes leak when playing sports or exercising?

  4. Do you ever get the sensation that you haven’t completely emptied your bladder?

  5. Do you find intercourse painful and or uncomfortable?

  6. Do you sometimes suffer with constipation?

  7. Do you sometimes strain when emptying your bowels?

  8. Do you have to rush to the toilet? With or without leakage.

  9. Do you go to the toilet more than 8 times a day?

  10. Do you need to get up more than once a night to go to the toilet? 

  11. Do you ever feel a bulge, heaviness, pulling or dragging sensation in your vagina?

  12. Do you sometimes find running water, your front door or keys make you rush to the toilet?

  13. Do you ever have trouble holding gas in?

  14. Do you experience pelvic pain? Lower back or hip pain? 

  15. Do you suffer with coccyx pain?

Did you answer yes to any of the above questions? 

No? Great. It’s very unlikely you have any issues with your pelvic floor. 

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, which is very common. You may have an issue with your pelvic floor or a structure that impacts your pelvic floor. 

The good news is, in most cases, with treatment, lifestyle changes, a specific pelvic floor rehabilitation program (this may involve strengthening your pelvic floor or you may need to learn to relax your pelvic floor prior to starting a strengthening program) and movement practice; the Pelvic Health osteopaths at Eastern Osteopathy can help you regain your confidence and improve your symptoms.

If you want to make an appointment with Kate or Liz you can do so by calling the clinic on
03 9042 0407 or by booking a Pelvic Health Assessment online at